Saturday, March 25, 2023

Entrada 4: Alas de Luz de Luna...

"Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind
Withering my intuition, missing opportunities and I must
Feed my will to feel my moment, drawing way outside the lines"

Lateralus - TOOL ‧₊˚✩彡 

 ¿Nunca han sentido esa sensación de tener muchos pensamientos pasando por su cabeza al mismo tiempo?

Bueno, se que es una pregunta bastante clara; seguramente todos nos hemos sentido de este modo en algún punto, quizá mas veces de las que podemos recordar.

Entendiendo esto, quisiera preguntaros; Si tuviesen una imagen con la que representar esa sensación... ¿Cómo sería?

La mía sería como, algo muy enredado, anudado, imposible de desatar; algo que es tan terrible que no sabes ni por donde comenzar a desatarlo.

Creo que, sería como una gran bola de nudos, con hilos que vienen del pasado y del futuro. Es algo que, de solo pensarlo, me hace sentir nauseas... 

Y todos esos nudos, esa sensación indescriptible...

Es extraña...

Hace que te resulte difícil centrarte en el presente... Tantas cosas que podría estar haciendo... No se supone que esas cosas... Me hacen... ¿Feliz?

Sin embargo... se siente tan vacío... tan extraño... tan distante...

Como un marinero sin rumbo en el océano... bajo la luz serena de la Luna... tan inalcanzable; una serenidad tan lejana...


La tormenta en los pensamientos comienza a nublar la mente, una niebla que deja ciego al caminante quien, sin rumbo fijo, cae constantemente y se choca con los arboles que rodean el camino... Y cae herido... lastimado... su esperanza se disipa entre la misteriosa aura de la noche que acompaña su sendero... 

El caminante ahora solo quiere llorar...

El caminante ahora se arrepiente...

El caminante ahora se siente destruido... lastimado... perdido...

El caminante no sabe que hacer...

O que sentir...

Su luz se marchita... Y su destino queda a merced de la noche...

Sea la noche entonces quien defina el paradero del caminante...


El caminante deja su alma en manos de la Luna...

Su fiel compañera...

La esperanza renace bajo su manto...

Y si bien el caminante sabe que su camino es ahora incierto... Se entrega a su intuición completamente... Se atreve a sentir el momento... Se guía bajo la luz misteriosa y serena de la Luna...

Y bajo su manto... Ya no le asustan los monstruos que le acechan de las sombras...

Monstruos sedientos de su voluntad de vivir... Y ánimas que susurran desde las profundidades del bosque versos que hieren, lastiman al caminante...

Pero al caminante ya no le importa...

El caminante ya no teme...

El caminante se levanta; herido, pero determinado...

Y su esperanza despierta nuevamente... Ahora en forma de alas que se despliegan en su espalda...

De repente... El caminante entre lagrimas, de felicidad y angustia, se eleva triunfal entre la copa de los arboles... Y el bosque entero es testigo de su silueta bajo la luz de la Luna...

El caminante ha encontrado el camino...

Su camino...

Y más nunca estará perdido, porque la Luna está de su lado...

##Nota! .・゚゚・(/ω\)・゚゚・.

Esta entrada, como habrán notado XD, la he escrito en español; mi idioma natal lol. 

De este modo, me es mucho más sencillo expresar mis pensamientos, cosa que se vuelve compleja cuando, al mismo tiempo, debo ir traduciéndolos al inglés para poder escribirlos; espero que esto no implique algún inconveniente! 

* If your language is English, I recommend you to use the translator DeepL (, it is much better than Google Translator lolololol.

Hoy me estaba sintiendo un poquito triste, quizá sobrepensando demasiado, pero haber escrito esto me ayudó bastante; y si alguno de ustedes está pasando por una situación similar espero que los ayude a sentirse comprendidos, o si gustan, pueden comentar su experiencia en los comentarios del post... Son todos bienvenidos! Encantado de leerlos c:

Un saludo! Y muy bonita noche a todos c: 

Cuidense mucho <3

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Entry 3: About the future...

"Once I was free, but now I am trapped
Once I was trapped, but now I am free"

.✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫*/// Consumed - Control Denied

Hi there! 🐺

I've been thinking about various things lately...ヽ(ー_ー ).

I've been thinking about the future....

About who I am...

About what I'm looking for...

About the people around me...

There are certain things that I still don't understand, certain things that make me feel insecure about destiny; I really, really hope I'm going on the right path to reach my goals.

I feel, at times, that I would like to change my surroundings in some way, that things would not be so routine; not having to see the same places every day, as if it were a cycle. I think I would like to explore the world a little more, and at the same time, show myself to the world as I really am.

However, the world can be a scary place, and the people in it can be very hurtful....

This is a shame really, somehow, these constraints interfere with my "course of action", but I find myself on a quest to overcome these obstacles; I'm pretty sure I can find a way, but I need to analyze my strategies and find myself in tune with my emotions.

Lately, too, I have been thinking about the people around me; I feel that over time some images I had about people close to me have been reconfigured to the point of confusion. Over time, I have had to accept certain truths; the curtain has been lifted and I finally realize that not all people are what they appear to be....

I feel that, somehow, I find myself in a stage where my whole reality is in a whirlpool of ideas, where everything I had conceived as true is distorted; giving way to new realities and destroying the foundations where I had settled my thoughts. It is a somewhat turbulent experience, but interesting to live.

However, I am sure that I will find the way...

*。★゚*♪ヾ Listening to: Story to Tell - Death ☆*。★゚*♪ヾ

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Entry 2: My last two brain cells trying to think of something to write as I'm dying of sleep (×﹏×)

.✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫* lagtrain .✫*゚・゚。..*。・゚✫*

It's been a very busy week... And I'm pretty tired tonight ( ╥ω╥ )

However, I really want to draw...
I want to make music too...
I want to read something...

However, I have to study for a math test. It's annoying when you want to create something so much, but responsibilities get in the way.

Perhaps it is not entirely correct to complain about such things. At least, having responsibilities teaches you to appreciate free time more and how you take advantage of your energy to do things.

Beyond that, today has been a nice day, classes flew by and, without realizing it, I looked at the clock and it was time to go home (luckily LOL).

Wow... I'm really tired XD, however, I felt like writing something here, I don't know...
I don't really know what to talk about though...
I just wanted to write something...

Well, now that I remember, something interesting happened to me today! You see, I'm the type of person who feels a bit uncomfortable in public spaces (but I'm working on fixing that!!), and today I had a breakthrough, I think. As silly as it sounds, today I sat alone during recess (I like being alone sometimes XD) and I didn't feel like people were looking at me! It's weird, but sometimes I worry about what other people think of me even if I'm not doing anything weird. I don't know, it's something that I don't really understand... But I know I can overcome it!! I just need some time XD


Ok, everything I wrote before I wanted to upload it yesterday, but I got sleepy and couldn't finish it LMAO

The thing is, I did my math test and I did fine, I guess.

It doesn't matter, I don't think I'm going to do it, I'm too sleepy :c

Hmm... I really wanted to draw something to upload to my twitter account but these are very busy days... Anyway, we'll see how tomorrow is, maybe it will be calmer, maybe not...

Life is a mistery...

Mood: Tired / kinda frustrated lol

Listening to... "The Patient" - TOOL

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Entry 1 - Trying Blogger for the first time and remembering with nostalgia |・w・)/

"Savor what you feel and what you see
Things that may not seem important now  
But may be tomorrow"

Symbolic - Chuck Schuldiner 

Hi there! 🐺

Well, the whole blog idea came almost out of the blue. Sometimes it happens that I get an idea in my head and I want to try it; even more when it comes to expressing my ideas or thoughts.

 Also, I like to write...


‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

Everything starts with the ARG thing on the Deltarune page (an awesome game by the way, super recommended).

Apparently, along with the 'Spamton Sweepstakes' event, people began to search the official page for hidden links with related images and very interesting lore of the game. Among those hidden pages, appears one that, apparently, would be Noelle's blog (holidaygirl1225)

Screenshot of the page

Automatically I was transported to 2010, remembering all those blogger pages about games, music, wallpapers, and I said to myself;

> "I NEED TO GO BACK TO 2010 :c"

And well, that's quite difficult to achieve XD, so I started thinking about alternatives to the original plan.

So, I had the idea...

>  "And what if I make my own blog .o."
Well, I got excited and started researching the site, looking at images from old blogs, wanting to go back in time... But I had to settle for dancing caramelldansen at 2:31 a.m. while I imagined that on my calendar it put 2008 instead of 2022 LMAO

I'm not crazy...

Not that much...

believe me... (◎ ◎)ゞ(◎ ◎)ゞ

Ok, I'm digressing too much lmao  (⌒_⌒;)

And now I'm here, I created an account and then I chose the design that you are seeing right now; pretty retro, right? I love it, it makes me go back in time, I love it too much c:

And concluding with this post, I've realized that I really enjoyed writing this... It makes me want to continue publishing things, sharing music, and well, also sharing my thoughts.

I don't mean for this to become super well known, you know? XD, I would simply like to use the page as a place to share my ideas and, if anyone happens to see this post, feel free to comment on any anecdote you have related to the world of blogs, or memories of previous years that you want to remember.

I leave! I hope you have a very nice night uwu

> Mood: Nostalgic/Happy

 Listening to: Elvenpath - Nightwish